IoT, IIoT, Industry 4.0, and Industrial Automation: Myths, Similarities & Differences

“IoT, IIoT, Industry 4.0, and Industrial Automation – each term has distinct differences in focus, technology, and goals. Compare Technologies, and unearth common misunderstandings between these terms to use and apply the concepts better.”

IoT, IIoT, Industry 4.0, and Industrial Automation are all terms that are frequently used in the technology industry. Still, they can often be misunderstood or used interchangeably. While they share some similarities, each term has distinct differences in terms of its focus, technology, and goals. In this article, we will explore the common misunderstandings between IoT, IIoT, Industry 4.0, and Industrial Automation and clarify the differences between these terms to understand each concept better. 

Whether you are a technology enthusiast, a business owner, or simply curious about the latest trends in technology, read on to better understand the key differences between these important concepts.


IoT (Internet of Things) is a network of physical devices, vehicles, home appliances, and other items embedded with sensors, software, and connectivity, enabling them to collect and exchange data. IoT focuses on connecting devices to the internet and facilitating communication, allowing for remote monitoring and control.

IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) is similar to IoT but is specifically designed for industrial applications. IIoT connects industrial equipment, such as sensors, machines, and controllers, to collect and analyze data in real time. The goal of IIoT is to optimize industrial processes and increase efficiency by providing actionable insights into the production process.

Industry 4.0 refers to the fourth industrial revolution, characterized by integrating digital technologies into the industrial manufacturing process. Industry 4.0 encompasses a range of technologies, including IoT, AI, machine learning, and cloud computing, to enable smart factories and intelligent manufacturing. The focus of Industry 4.0 is on creating a flexible and responsive manufacturing process that can quickly adapt to changing market demands.

Industrial Automation refers to the use of control systems, such as programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and robots, to automate industrial processes. Industrial automation aims to increase productivity, efficiency, and safety by reducing the need for human intervention in manufacturing processes. Industrial automation has been a key driver of manufacturing efficiency for several decades and is a precursor to the more advanced Industry 4.0 technologies.

IoT vs. IIoT vs Industry 4.0 vs. Industrial Automation:

Distinct differences between Automation technologies in terms of their focus, technology, ROI, and goals:

Industry 4.0
Industrial Automation
Consumer devices and applications
Industrial equipment and applications
Digital transformation of manufacturing
Automation of industrial processes
Connects devices to the internet
Connects industrial equipment to the internet
Connects various digital technologies
Connects machines, sensors, and controllers
Collects and exchanges data between devices
Collects and analyzes data from industrial equipment
Collects and analyzes data from various sources
Uses data to automate and optimize processes
Framework - Technology layers
Sensors, software, and connectivity
Sensors, software, connectivity, and analytics
IoT, AI, machine learning, cloud computing, and more
Control systems, such as PLCs and robots
Remote monitoring and control of devices
Optimization of industrial processes
Smart factories, intelligent manufacturing
Increased productivity, efficiency, and safety
Low cost, with a wide range of affordable devices available
Higher cost due to specialized equipment and infrastructure requirements
Initial investment can be high but can lead to significant cost savings in the long term
Initial investment can be high, but can lead to significant cost savings in the long term
Generally quick ROI due to low initial cost
ROI can take longer due to higher initial investment
ROI can take longer due to the significant investment required
ROI can be quick due to the potential for significant productivity gains
Application Examples
Smart homes, wearables, healthcare devices
Predictive maintenance, asset tracking, remote monitoring
Digital twins, augmented reality, autonomous systems
Robotics, process automation, quality control
Global Acceptance
Widely adopted in consumer applications worldwide
Gaining traction in industrial applications globally
Adoption is increasing, but still in the early stages in many countries
Widely adopted in manufacturing and industrial environments worldwide
Recent Trends and future
Increased emphasis on edge computing and security, with focus on expansion into consumer products and services
Greater integration with AI and machine learning, and expansion of technology outside manufacturing sector
Use of blockchain and digital twins, with focus on integration of physical and digital systems
use of collaborative robots and AI, and use of automation in non-manufacturing industries

Note: The columns are meant to provide a brief overview and are not comprehensive or definitive. Trends and predictions are subject to change based on advancements in technology, market factors, and other factors.

Read More: Why Industries need to Adopt Automation Quickly?

“Understanding the concepts of Automation is important for both businesses and individuals because these technologies are rapidly transforming the way we live and work.”

Myths & Misconceptions between IoT, IIoT, Industry 4.0, and Industrial Automation:

  1. Using the terms interchangeably
  2. Assuming that these concepts are only relevant to large enterprises: Many small and mid-sized businesses are also adopting IoT, IIoT, Industry 4.0, and Industrial Automation technologies to increase efficiency and productivity.
  3. Thinking that these technologies are too expensive: While there may be some initial costs associated with adopting these technologies, many businesses have found that the long-term benefits, such as increased efficiency and cost savings, outweigh the initial investment.
  4. Believing that these technologies are only for the manufacturing industry: While these technologies have been widely adopted in manufacturing and industrial environments, they can also be applied to other industries, such as healthcare, transportation, and agriculture.
  5. Overemphasizing technology at the expense of people (Manual Labour): While these technologies can help businesses optimize their operations, they can also profoundly impact the workforce. Businesses need to consider the impact these technologies will have on their employees and ensure that workers are properly trained and equipped to work alongside these technologies.
  6. Assuming that these technologies will lead to job losses: While it’s true that these technologies can automate some tasks and make certain jobs obsolete, they can also create new job opportunities and enable workers to focus on more complex and creative tasks.
  7. Assuming that these technologies are a one-size-fits-all solution: Each concept has its own set of technologies, tools, and strategies tailored to specific use cases and industries. Businesses must carefully evaluate their specific needs and goals before implementing these technologies.
  8. Failing to consider the security and ethical implications: IoT, IIoT, Industry 4.0, and Industrial Automation all involve the use of sensitive data, and businesses need to take measures to protect this data from cyber threats. Though these technologies can potentially transform businesses’ operations, one must also consider important ethical questions about data privacy, human autonomy, and social responsibility.

Summary and Future Trends:

Understanding the concepts of IoT, IIoT, Industry 4.0, and Industrial Automation is important for both businesses and individuals because these technologies are rapidly transforming the way we live and work.

For businesses, these technologies offer opportunities to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and improve productivity. For example, implementing IIoT can lead to predictive maintenance, which can help prevent costly downtime and repairs. Industry 4.0 can enable real-time monitoring and analytics, allowing for better decision-making and optimization of processes. Industrial Automation can reduce the need for human labor, allowing for increased efficiency and cost savings.

Individuals can also benefit from these technologies through improved quality of life and increased convenience. IoT can allow for home automation, making it easier to control household devices and monitor energy usage. IIoT can lead to better and safer products, such as self-driving cars and intelligent appliances. Industry 4.0 can improve healthcare through the use of real-time monitoring and analytics, leading to better patient outcomes.

With the ongoing advancements and innovations in these areas, it is important to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and developments to remain relevant and competitive in the ever-changing landscape of technology.

– Feed from Lokesh Chennuru for Industry Digits

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Lokesh Chennuru

6+ years of experience developing IoT and Industry 4.0 solutions, Lokesh is a recognized expert in Industrial Automation. He is pioneering the applications of Solar power and Low-cost biogas as alternative fuels. A ISO Certified Lead Auditor, who loves sharing his insights on Automation, current trends, and changes in industrial economics.

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